Last Gator Home Football Game Times Announced
The times for the last two Gator home football games have been announced. South Carolina will be playing at 7:15pm at Florida Field on November 13th, and App. State will be at 12:30pm the following weekend (November 20th).
RV/Motorhome Parking at UF for Gator Home Games
This image shows RV parking at the Florida Georgia game. This is what we DON’T do. I have had a lot of requests from folks who would like to park RVs on my lots and unfortunately I have to turn most of them down. This is because the Gatorparking lots are primarily designed for individual automobile parking and RVs are more complicated to handle and often the drivers and passengers have different needs I’m not prepared to offer. As a result, I have very few RV parking spaces and have to impose the same requirements on RV parking as I do for the rest of my customers. Additionally, I have to stress that an RV takes up quite a few automobile parking spaces (they usually have to park sideways) and so they cost far more to park.
So if you’d like to contact me to see if you can park an RV in one of my lots, please be aware that:
- If you are looking for an RV spot for the season, contact me in early summer as my RV spots get taken quickly.
- I don’t allow overnight parking on any of my lots. If you are coming in Friday (or thursday on homecoming weekend) and looking for a place to park, I’d suggest one of UFs first come, first served RV lots on campus. More information can be found here .
- My RV parking is designed to be easy to get in and easy to get out, however it is NOT guaranteed that you won’t have to wait for a car to move to get out. I designed my lots so that cars can leave whenever they want, but a 43′ RV has a very different turning radius.
- Generally it’s not worthwhile to sell an RV spot for a single game and like I said, my season RV spaces go quickly early in the year, however for a slow game I may be able to fit you in somewhere. It never hurts to give me a call at 352-275-9555.
- I have no hookups of any sort for RVs.
Thanks for understanding, RVers! I know taking an RV to the game is a fun way to tailgate, but I’m just not set up for it to be my primary business so I have to turn most folks away. As an alternative, I’ll again suggest parking on campus (click here for info) or looking on gainesville craigslist for a renter who’d rather fill his whole front yard with one RV than stand outside with a sign for hours and miss valuable drinking time.
Tailgating with Gator Parking
I have been meaning to upload a whole bunch of tailgating pictures for each of the lots and apologize it’s been taking so long. We moved to a new, faster, (hopefully) more reliable web host but I haven’t gotten the picture uploader working completely.
So in the meantime, here are a few unsorted tailgating pictures. Notice how in Lot 1, you can get your car, tv, tent, chairs, food, generator, and even a few fans (the heat those first few games was BRUTAL) and put it all in your tailgating spot. Nice!
Look how much fun we’re all having! Don’t you want to join? Just give a call (352-275-9555) or reserve a spot online…